Say Bye To PPC Ads And The Pain Of SEO With Auto Complete

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SBO Update

Hey Guys,

We are killing it! 

1. We are now Indexed #1 for “Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me” in Auto-Suggest for MSN.

  • Car Accident Lawyers Near Me ranks in at 2 sometimes 3 – 

2. We are getting a lot of traffic from MSN directly from the Auto-Suggest with people searching For Personal Injury as well as Car Accident Lawyers.

3. Not Having the MAPS Associated is Killing our Traffic. Working with MSN to Release that to Jim. THAT WILL INCREASE TRAFFIC 10 FOLD.

I am Fighting with the Popularity of the Dial A Lawyer Phrase. It’s Listed and Ranked on so many Authority sites .GOV .ORG etc…. Even Morgan and Morgan is Ranked for that Phrase.

Not having the MAPS and all the Directory and Citation listings filling the Results Page is Hurting Us a Lot! – See here – 

4. The Landing page now looks great but… I need to build a Powerful Funnel Lander for Conversions and split testing. That’s where the Traffic will Convert to Leads.

I set up A tracker and Heatmap- People are Bouncing Out of The Form – Survey Style Forms Do Not Convert –  No Worries it’s what I Do!

Compared with DAL


A Lower Budget Way To Do It But Still Hits 70% of the Important Areas

Morgan definitely has their testing down for conversions.

That Said Here is What We Need To Do Next.

– Get Extremely Aggressive with your OFF-SITE properties. i.e. Sites and Directory Pages that I build NEED MORE PAGES TO PULL INTO THE RESULTS PAGE.

– Get That Dam MAPS Account Back!

– With A.I. all over the place everyone wants everything now. – Live support is a must. Chat Bot To Grab Leads – A.I. Learns Your Script.

– WE NEED SOCIAL PROOF ON THE New Lander– Videos? Jim, can you get a few random people for a quick interview or endorsement?

– Exit Pop Up

– Set up a Direct TEXT/SMS Lead Capture is a MUST!!!!! Thats people want to do now is text.

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